
Grades 1 & 2

In Reading, Year 1 and 2 students share their love of books and explore a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction texts. They continue to develop their knowledge of letter-sound relationships and spelling patterns through explicit learning of phonics, as guided by the Science of Reading, and transition to become independent readers. They improve their decoding and comprehension skills with various texts.

In Writing, Year 1 and 2 students continue to develop basic writing skills, including forming letters, using punctuation and writing simple sentences. They explore different types of writing, including stories, poems, recounts, information texts and persuasive texts. Students write to inform, entertain or persuade an audience.

Students develop speaking and listening skills by interacting with others, listening to peers, and building on their ideas. They give short talks to a familiar audience and practice using their voice effectively.

In Maths, our Year 1 and 2 students are active and engaged learners who explore new concepts using a hands-on and collaborative approach. We use a range of concrete materials to support their thinking and develop a wide range of numeracy strategies. Students participate in number talks and solve practical problems that link to everyday situations. They also enhance their mathematical reasoning and problem-solving skills by engaging with a variety of numeracy challenges.

In Inquiry, Year 1 and 2 students expand their understanding of the world through engaging with Geography, History, and Science. Driven by curiosity, they seek answers to questions about the world around them. They delve into topics like Special Places, Animals, and the Environment, fostering a deeper appreciation for their surroundings. They also explore Sustainability and Technology, developing a well-rounded perspective on modern challenges and innovations.

Year 1 and 2 students participate in many events throughout the year including Junior School Sports day, Cross Country run and Swimming Sports.