
Positive Education Program

Our Positive Education Program is a unique program that promotes our school values and Positive Education.  This is a whole school pastoral care program.

  • Every student at Healesville Primary from Prep to Grade 6 is involved.
  • Every class teacher, specialist teacher, and Principal are involved.
  • Every student in the school is allocated a pastoral care teacher who will be with them throughout their years at Healesville Primary.
  • At least three times per term for one hour, everybody moves into their groups where they participate in a range of activities. These activities can include Positive Education initiatives, values education, team building or simply enjoying the company of students across the school.
  • All activities have the purpose of promoting our school values and developing whole school connectedness.
  • These groups focus on developing resilience, self-esteem and a sense of belonging.

Our pastoral care groups are all about building relationships. It gives an opportunity for students to connect with other students outside of their grade level as well as another significant adult. At the end of the year we, unfortunately, say goodbye to the grade 6 students in each group while at the beginning of the following year we welcome new prep students into each group.