
Grades 5 & 6


The 5/6 Literacy program is based on the Victorian Curriculum, research based best practice and on the teaching through rich literature.

Students participate in daily Reader’s and Writer’s Workshops. These workshops encourage student voice, cater to individual learning needs and move students towards independent reading and writing. Each workshop starts with an explanation of what is to be taught and how students will know when they have learned it. Explicit teaching follows then students immerse themselves in practising reading and writing. Teachers confer with students, where they provide feedback and help students set learning goals. Workshops finish with the sharing of student success and learning. These workshops will help children extend their vocabulary, spell better, form and express their opinions and listen to the opinions of others, write with increased skill and enjoy reading more great books.

We are proud that we support a love of reading and writing that sets children up for all future learning.

Leadership Program

The leadership program at Healesville Primary School involves many facets. The grade 6 students have many opportunities to be a leader at our school, including:

  • School Captains
  • House Captains
  • Wellbeing Captains
  • Sustainability Captains
  • Library Captains

Our fortnightly assembly is run by the School Captains and House Captains. Additionally, Captains represent Healesville Primary School at Anzac Day ceremonies, visiting kindergartens, assisting with school tours and welcoming and thanking various visitors.

All grade 6 students are involved in regular leadership training, attending the GRIP Leadership Conference at the Melbourne Convention Centre as well as regular lessons and activities on leadership throughout the school year. The grade 5 students are involved in the Buddies program where they undertake activities and act as role models to the younger students in Prep.


We have developed a strong approach based around Professional Development from mathematics expert Rob Vingerhoets. We have a commitment to the teaching and learning of problem solving strategies. Mathematical concepts and skills are explicitly taught, practised, and then opened for students to explore and discover. Students are supported, challenged and extended through ‘real life’ open-ended problems that have multiple solutions, allowing students to draw upon the knowledge and skills explicitly taught to them. This approach increases student engagement and enjoyment in mathematics, assisting us in developing positive growth mindsets towards learning in mathematics.

5/6 Inquiry Units

Over a 2 year cycle the grade 5/6 students engage in many inquiry units of study. With some of these units, students will present and engage others in their learning through various ‘Expos’. Also throughout the year, there will be other activities for interest to have students think critically and engage in such as cooking and an Egg Drop Eggsperiment.

Topics include:

  • Physical, Chemical, Biological & Earth and Space Science
  • Australian History
  • Geography
  • Economics & Business

5/6 Camp Program

The grade 5/6 have a camp program where they go to alternate camps in odd and even years. Coonawarra is an outdoor adventure camp with activities such as canoeing, high ropes course, rafting, flying fox, archery, etc. Last year, we introduced the Anglesea camp to give students a different experience with activities of surfing, bodyboarding, and beach activities. In both camps, students are presented with activities that are challenging and develop personal and social growth.